Career Program – 2. Experience Job Market Facts
2. Experience Job Market Facts
Will You Hate the Job You Think You Love?
Choosing a career is one of the biggest decisions in your life. Studies have shown that when you love your work, you’re more successful, even less stressed. That’s exactly why it’s so vital, before you invest time and money, to research your best career matches.
Each career has a MORE INFO link. Why risk a career investment based on myths, not facts? Before you invest your time and educational funds, spend the time to know exactly what you want and can reasonably expect from a career choice.
“Choose A Job You Love, and
You’ll Never Work A Day in Your Life!.”
One Click Delivers Everything You Need to Know!
Each of your Top 25 Most Enjoyable Careers has a MORE INFO link. The link takes you to the example below.

Are You an Extravert or an Introvert?
Who are you? Are you the type of person that enjoys a workplace with constant people interaction-an extrovert or working alone-an introvert?
Introverts tend to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds
Extroverts, on the other hand, gain energy from other people.
The Color Career Indicator 4.1 ‘s most extraverted career, for example, was a Registered Nurse. Their workplace has constant, non-stop people interaction. Ask yourself, “Would you enjoy working in this environment?” If so, you’re an Extravert.
See below how different industries scored Introvert vs Extrovert
in the Color Career Indicator 4.1 Assessment
According to Health Carousel, the healthcare profession is set to become the largest and fastest-growing sector in the U.S. economy. “Employment Projections—2018—2028” from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states, “Of the 30 fastest growing occupations, 18 are in healthcare and related occupations.
Listed below are the 10 most extroverted and 10 most introverted careers in the Health Care industry.
Employment of accountants and auditors is projected to grow 6 percent from 2018 to 2028, about as fast as the average for all occupations. … In addition, as more companies go public, there will be greater need for public accountants to handle the legally required financial documentation.
Listed below are the 10 most extroverted and 10 most introverted careers in the accounting and finance industry.
Not all sales jobs are created equal. For Introverts, selling a product works best. Whereas selling a service can be fun for extraverts. The industry can make a huge difference, as well. For example, salary ranges go from very low in retail sales to high in software and medical sales.
Listed below are the 10 most extroverted and 10 most introverted careers in the Sales.