Personality psychology seeks both to understand how individuals differ from one another in behavior, motivation, emotion, and cognition and to explain the causes…
By using distinctive stimuli, a Chroma/value/hue testing system, this study elicited a non-cognitive, physiological response by asking participants to, “Select the color that …
According to a recent study, life expectancy for the two-thirds of Americans without a college degree is declining — creating a growing gap in life expectancy between…
A survey found that 56% of Americans say earning a four-year degree isn’t worth the cost. They tie their skepticism to mounting student debt — and the idea that tangible job skills…
Hiring platforms routinely screen out experienced candidates simply because they aren’t college graduates. With millions of openings going unfilled…
Most young adults are aware of the significance of career decision-making and are very concerned about their future careers. While attempting to make a good career decision, each …
Most young adults are aware of the significance of career decision-making and are very concerned about their future careers. While attempting to make a good career decision, each …
The evidence that a college degree improves employment prospects and earnings potential is overwhelming. Bachelor’s degree holders are half as likely to be unemployed…
How can the large, systematic differences that exist between individuals’ color preferences be explained? The ecological valence theory…
Color preferences vary among normal individuals and psychiatric patients, and this might be related to their different levels of hypnotic susceptibility.
Color preference is an important aspect of visual experience, butlittle is known about why people in general like some colors more than…