• 750,000 individuals surveyed on
• Your report reflects their passion.
• One click delivers career facts and Career Professional Videos.
Asked users from 1,000 occupations if they enjoy their current career
Those who chose “strongly agree” were evaluated by color preference
Electrical Engineers with high job satisfaction, for example, created a career evaluation
Compare the Color Career Indicator vs Strong Interest Inventory
“Strong Interest Inventory. These findings thus open the exciting possibility that people’s vocational interests can be inferred quite accurately from their color preferences.”
–Rense Lange, Sigmund Testing, Dallas, TX
& Jason Rentfrow, University of Cambridge, UK
Why We Are So Accurate
Color Preference Cross Validation
The Color Career Indicator 4.1 (CCI 4.1), as powered by the Dewey Color System, represents 16 years of cumulative research and development, including a series of validation studies and journal publications / white papers (Lange & Rentfrow, 2007; Lange, 2010). Driven by techniques derived from statistics and artificial intelligence, the indicator’s latest incarnation, CCI 4.1, has increased accuracy and reliability.
In what must be an industry record, a large-scale validation study was performed using a base sample of over 770,000 people. When focusing on respondents who actually enjoy their current careers, the findings indicate that the CCI can predict people’s career choices with 80% accuracy. This means that the CCI can reliably and validly identify careers that will be the most satisfying, as 4 out of 5 times the best choice will be among the first 25 listed.
No Validity Issues: The CCI was designed from the start as an online tool. Thus, there are no validity issues concerning paper-and-pencil vs. computer administration, as is sometimes the case for other, older career tests.
2 Minute Test, Instant Feedback: In an age where nearly everyone uses computers daily, instant feedback has become the norm. The CCI does not disappoint in this respect as analysis of the color test and generating the “Top 50 Most Enjoyable Careers” nearly instantaneous.
Clueless Receive Advice: Lacking knowledge about a career and traditional occupational perception barriers disappear. The CCI 4.1 simply requires test-takers to click on their favorite colors, no language required.
O*Net Code Links: Each occupation is linked the US Labor Department and Bureau of Labor Statistics, now also available in Spanish-Job Growth, Salary, Career Overview, and much more!
Stand-Alone Administration: Upon taking the Dewey Color Test, test- takers can receive their Top 50 Most Enjoyable Occupations on the screen, and no counselor intervention is required. The CCI 4.1 can be adapted to all languages.
Career Job Site Compatibility: The user can type a recommendation into a career job site search engine and receive a list of available job opportunities.
Maximum Exposure, Minimum Time: Counselors acquire the time to support career seekers to make realistic self-assessments of their work attitudes, as well as academic strengths and weaknesses.