Dewey Color System – How to Use
Learn the core motivation behind your most enjoyable career paths.
Used by personnel professionals to identify workplace core competencies – expect result-oriented guidance. This evaluation shares results based on three areas: (1) Your Natural Talents (2) Managing Your Strengths and Weaknesses (3) Balancing Your Life with Power Moves
Your Natural Talents
With Tips for Improving Performance
Understanding why you love to do something is primary. Once you define what fuels your motivation, you can align your dream career with your passions. Finding it is crucial. When you love what you do, you’ll do a better job and therefore become more successful. Willfully forcing yourself to do a career, will only create stress, waste time and money.
Invest in yourself. Make your career an expression of your natural talents. Find an occupation that includes tasks you’ll pursue with passion. In selecting your career, constantly ask yourself, “Am I discarding who I am?” Stand firm. “Is your potential career an expression of who you are?” Get the facts. Confront what you’re avoiding. Be strong. Create a beautiful life.
Managing Strengths & Weaknesses
Turns past failures into success
In confronting your core personality concerns, you’ll gain the power to stay on track and not let incidental things distract you from your goals.
- Your Favorite Colors show what you need to express to be yourself. Honor these strengths by not letting them become excessive.
- Your Least Favorite Colors, determine what you try to avoid and emotionally suppress. Manage these hesitations by becoming proactive.
Connect Your Profile to The Dewey App
Choose to arrive at an exciting career choice. Download the Dewey Apple or Android App or web App. After you purchase the assessment, enter your email and your profile will be connected to the Coaching Calendar. The Calendar will send you supportive, upbeat messages every 2 ½ days. Learn when to charge ahead with your Natural Talents or move slower with your Life Lesson.
Balancing Your Power Moves
Generates Enthusiasm and Opens Doors
Whatever you’re not aware of runs your life. Where are you Compulsive? Logical? Balanced? Intuitive? Or Emotional? In this section, you’ll become aware of the core energy behind each thought or action. This info will erase unnecessary concerns and provoke clarity.
Every Great Strength has a Balancing Weakness.
Then, use the “Power Moves” as your guide. If you find yourself feeling a bit uncomfortable, there’s a reason. Listen to yourself. Learn where to slow down and rethink. And where to be more forthright. Success begins with a powerful command of your thoughts and actions.
Discover Your Self-Truth
This biometric assessment supports you in assigning value to know what is worth wanting. Your passions are not the opposite of reason; they are the foundation of and contain wisdom the analytical brain can’t reach. They define your heart’s desire to lose yourself in something – a mission, a cause, to become a star, or be great.
“Trying to live someone else’s life, or live by an abstract norm, will ultimately fail- even do damage.”
-Parker Palmer
Color Career Indicator
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