Q & A with Dewey Sadka
A. Running staffing companies for over 24 years, I came face-to-face with thousands of Individuals just working to survive, stumbling to find an enjoyable career. My staff, many times, couldn’t hire them. Our client companies wanted individuals invested in doing their jobs.
Nevertheless, we interviewed thousands of these individuals and experienced their career and financial frustration. Regrettably, there wasn’t even a career test that we could recommend. Simply put, the career tests didn’t work. Many of them were miserable. They needed specific job recommendations that reflected their core motivation.
Personally, I was very fortunate; I always loved my job. Every day, I saw myself, off on an adventure, fighting battle after battle. I wanted to give back to others the same-the ability to love their career.
A. Career language-based tests don’t work. It’s impossible to accurately match thousands of diverse job descriptions to a person’s profile. Existing career language tests have two methods of accessing information to make recommendations.
Assuming career types from a psychological personality characteristic assessment isn’t accurate. A career is a complex list of duties, impossible to correlate with assumptions.
Asking, “What careers do you think you’ll like?” is also an impossible task. What if you don’t know about the job? Then again, doing a job is rarely what you perceive it to be.
A. I built (2) two core passion, market-based career assessments. Together they provide all you’ll need to select your dream career.
Your Top 50 Most Enjoyable Occupations
The Color Career Indicator 4.1 correlated against actual job descriptions. In bypassing language tests’ complex assumptions, our 750,000 Career Builder sample base was easily validated at 80.2, higher than all current career-based language tests.
Notice the job description grouping below. Our assessment linked these take-charge, decision-maker types together.
• CEO, Chief Executive Office
• COO, Chief Operations Office
• Child Services and Family Planning Counselor
• Registered Nurse
Our career categories reflect core personality trait connections. Think, “What will you get back, day-by-day, from each career?” Perhaps, it’s the satisfaction of anchoring others, feeling accomplished by building something, or the inspiration to solve problems. Understanding your core passion gives confidence and a clear direction forward.
Your Natural Talents
The Career Support Evaluation 5.1 is a non-language, beyond self-perception, explanation of your natural talents. Chances are, there will be no surprises. It will instead affirm what you most enjoy and remind you of what you avoid. It answers the question, “Why you enjoy or don’t enjoy what you do each day.” This assessment, along with the Color Career Indicator 4.1, work together in unison to keep your career decisions on track.
A. With the help of leading academic scholars, rigorous tests were given, over 5,000 in a clinical setting for the Career Support Evaluation and 750,000 on Career Builder for the Color Career Indicator 4.1. In so doing, we established color preference as a valid personality indicator. The entire process took eleven years.
The Dewey Color System’s ability to measure the connection between personality and distinctive color choices is revolutionary. Inherent personality traits such as stability, reasoning, warmth, anxiety, and social interaction can now be pinpointed for an individual. Read further about our landmark statistical correlations, journal publications, and validations against all 16 personality factors compiled by Dr. Rense Lange. Credentials
A. The Dewey Color System is based on a ranking of your favorite and least favorite colors in four different color categories: primary, secondary, achromatic, and intermediate. Why favorites? Simply put, your subconscious mind is attracted to the colors that indicate your passionate pursuits and not attracted to colors that highlight issues you tend to avoid. The color test is protected with (2) two patents.
Even though nothing inherently has a color, these reflections of light are interpreted by your brain as a distinguishable quality. Its vibration creates an unspoken energy. Yellow, for example, is considered by some to be irritating. But if you are a person who prefers yellow, you will find it inspirational.
In an additional study, it’s now also proven that each hue in the Dewey Color System acts independently from adjoining hues to evoke a distinguishable personality trait. This hue energy, received through your eye’s pupil in the form of varying wavelengths, has a physical quality you react to as a personal experience.
The Dewey Color System® allows you to learn about yourself without feeling the pain of personally invasive questions. Don’t let the fact that it’s so easy, discount the truth of this system. Finding a passionate career path is essential for a fulfilled life.
A. We used an original color imaging model to achieve the following.
HUE BRILLIANCE: Since studies have proven the more vibrant the color, the more measurable the response, we constructed the Dewey Color System with the spectrum’s most brilliant color hues.
HUE CLARITY: Our symmetrical spectrum measurement system achieved, for example, a Blue with no red or yellow. The spectrum distance between each hue is precise and can be measured with one algorithm.
ACHROMATIC COLORS: Black, white, and brown were also added to give depth to the evaluation.
Our individual color test selection process ensured distinctive measurable responses.
A. Every language and nation can benefit from this evaluation’s extensive capabilities. The Dewey Color System books are already in many languages with a best seller in Japan. But the potential of this world-first invention doesn’t stop there.
Children over four years old can also take the assessment. In a test, retest, children answered the test with more accuracy than adults. Parents of young children now have the opportunity to explore and support their child’s personality and career options.
A. I want the assessment used to give children support. They are so resilient. All they need to know is why they feel a certain way. For example, a 12-year-old victim of sex abuse, stated, “Is that’s all that’s wrong with me? I thought I was crazy.” Giving children an understanding of who they are and parents the information to see how to best give support is the greatest gift the Dewey Color System has to offer.
A. No, not significantly. We conducted a test/retest evaluation at Georgia State University as part of the validation process. Students within a three-month interval selected the same colors with a high statistical significance.
When you’re leaving home, getting married, having children, changing careers, getting a divorce, your colors can change temporarily. For the most part, however, your colors change in varying degrees and not as dramatically as you might think. The Primaries: Yellow, Blue, and Red, Secondaries: Green, Purple, and Orange and Achromatic Non-Colors: Black, White, and Brown categories areas rarely change long term, especially in the by-category test.
A. The test system still works with a few exceptions. Many of the genes involved in color vision are on the X male chromosomes, making color blindness more common in males than females. About 5–8 percent of males and less than 1 percent of females are color blind in some way or another, whether it be one color, a color combination, or another mutation.
The most common color-blindness is red and green. Our experience with these individuals is that the test still works. It just takes them longer to take the test.
A. Cultural color bias can diminish test effectiveness. In China, for example, white, a color customarily used for funerals, is being worn by brides. Negative color imaging is disappearing as commerce becomes more global.
Color choices can also lose accuracy, especially with those that work with color. The test instructions diminish this issue, “Select the color you prefer to look at.” Initial choices can be hue choices.
Language tests lose their accuracy as well. Consider when a test taker has an unrealistic self-perception or misinterprets a question. Many job applicants answer the questions that fit the job description. Companies are aware of this. Introverts can even appear to be salespersons.